Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Magic Doors (Please!)

"When one door closes, another one opens". This saying implies that the new door that opens leads to something much better -- better job, life, health, whatever.
In some ways I believe this is true. Sometimes the better thing isn't realized for a while. For instance: Gus & I lived in nothern Virginia, and we both worked for the same company and loved it. We both got laid off at the same time. Yikes! Very bad! Slam! But the seeming catastrophe eventually led us to Charlotte, NC, a place we enjoyed living, and ultimately led us (through neighbors who came here) to our wonderful retirement community in Aiken, SC. If that door hadn't closed back then, I wonder where we would be now. Perhaps it was our karma to be here, and we would have found our way here anyway. Who knows.
I've been thinking about this because both of my children are currently undergoing change in their lives. Doors are closing, and the new doors haven't opened yet. This causes a lot of stress and worry for both of them, and of course for their parents. I would like to create a "magic door" for each of them to enter that would solve all their problems and lead them to a wonderful life. I wish! Since I can't do that, I will mentally send a little "magic" their way, and hope for the best (and TRY not to worry too much!).
There's a game show on TV (well, there used to be one) which at the end has a contestant pick Door #1, 2 or 3, behind which there were prizes of varying values. I remember once there was a goat behind one of the doors.
For both of my children (spouses included!) I sincerely wish for a wonderful, good, magic door to open. No goats, please!