Friday, February 26, 2010

The Magic of Love

It's still technically the Valentine month, so why not talk about the magic of love? Just a little...
As a junior in college I was having a run of bad luck with dates, and my roommate kept pushing to set me up with her friend "Tuss". His picture in the yearbook left me umimpressed, so I declined. Then, the following September he came to Florence as her date for an off-to-college dance. He walked into my house tall, tan, slender (ok, SKINNY!), in a white dinner jacket. I was a little impressed, but I didn't see stars or hear bells or anything. That night my date was yet another dud, and I asked my roommate to ask Tuss to ask me to dance. I was so brazen back then! The dance was a short one, as the music ended. Later, back on the USC (that's South Carolina folks!) campus, I had a dud date (yep, I was on a roll) at a fraternity party. Everyone at my table got up to dance, leaving me alone. Not liking THAT situation, I spied Tuss at another table, with his date. I brazenly walked up to him and said, "You owe me a dance". He graciously agreed. As we danced he said "I'd like to ask you out, but I have very little money". And brazen me responded, "I'm easy to please!". Our first date was to a $.25 drive-in movie. Yes, that's 25 cents! A car! From then on it was magic.....It will be 45 years of marriage in June! Happy belated Valentine's Day!

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Magic Food

As my family and many of my friends know, I have had problems with my weight all my life. I was a chubby kid, and they say that once those fat cells are in there, they scream to be fed for the rest of your life. I believe it!
So in my quest for weight loss I have tried many things (NutriSystem, Weight Watchers (twice), Akins, Dr. Ornish's whatever, and on and on and on. As my family and friends also know, when I find a diet that seems to work, I can be a bit overbearing trying to convince everyone else that they should be doing whatever it is/was that I am/was doing, because it is/was so wonderful! I admit I did that about 3 years ago when I finally went to a nutritionist. The eating plan she gave me worked (for a while) so I pushed it on anyone who would take it. Then my plan stopped working, so I went to yet another nutritionist. THIS one seems to be a real nutritionist. The first one was young (VERY) and didn't explain that this plan was not for life, but temporary until I reached a certain point. Sooo, now I am having success again, but guess what? I'm not going to push anything on anyone. I have Finally (and why did it take so long?) figured out that everybody's body is different and responds differently. I have also figured out that what I've heard for many years -- eat right and exercise - works! It's just figuring out the "eating right" part that can be difficult -- and MAGIC once you do.
It seems almost magical doesn't it that I have lost over 40 pounds, and am now working on that last pesky 10, and brought my cholesterol down 56 points!? With NO meds! No anything special, except that I exercised regularly and ate (and continue to eat) "right". There's the magic formula! Why did it take me so long? Just proves that there IS magic in the world if you look for it, and that a person can learn at any age. As my sister said recently on her blog, quoting some of our older family members, "Praise Be"! Happy Magical dieting my friends.....

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Margaret's Magic

Back when I was a working lady, I worked "behind the scenes" in the IT departments of various companies, and wore a number of hats: database administrator, helpdesk manager, and computer instructor to name a few. In most of these jobs, I was constantly bombarded with user questions and problems. Some were easy to solve, some were difficult, but to the person I was helping it always seemed like magic to them that I knew the answers and could fix stuff. Sometimes I'd go to their desk to help and say "Show me what's broken". They would attempt that, and lo and behold! it would work! They would give me a questioning look, and my reply was always "Margaret's Magic!" Those were the really easy ones....

Sunday, February 21, 2010

What is Magic?

Main Entry: 1mag·ic
Pronunciation: \ˈma-jik\
Function: noun
Etymology: Middle English magique, from Middle French, from Latin magice, from Greek magikē, feminine of magikos Magian, magical, from magos magus, sorcerer, of Iranian origin; akin to Old Persian maguš sorcerer
Date: 14th century
1 a : the use of means (as charms or spells) believed to have supernatural power over natural forces b : magic rites or incantations2 a : an extraordinary power or influence seemingly from a supernatural source b : something that seems to cast a spell : enchantment3 : the art of producing illusions by sleight of hand

There are some who believe in magic, but I believe all seemingly magical events can be explained. I do, however, believe that there are moments in our lives that are definitely magical, and this is what my blog is about: the wonderful, magical moments in my life that I want to share with friends and family.